Monday, January 14, 2013


With their wrinkled little snouts, tiny trotters and oversized ears, they are irresistibly cute.

 Weighs just 9oz at birth and is the size of a tea cup.  They are the latest pet craze sweeping across Britain.

Two years later the pigs are fully grown - but still only weigh up to 65lb and stand at around 14in tall.

Unlike popular myth, the pigs are exceedingly clean and enjoy the company of people.

They can live for up to 18 years.

Micro pigs make fantastic pets as they are very low maintenance. You don't have to take them for walks and they have very few health issues.

They don't make much noise, they are easy to toilet train and once they have bonded with you they are very loving.

 They are also highly intelligent and are the fourth most intelligent species after man, monkey and dolphin.

Micro-pigs are also good alternative pets for people with allergies to cats and dogs. Can't get allergies from pigs as their skin is very similar to human, and they have hair not fur.

The pigs are crosses of Miniature Pot Bellied pigs with Tamworths, Kune Kunes and Gloucester Old Spots to create their tiny, colourful Micro Pigs, which are sold for between£195 and £700.

They enjoy good food, lots of toys and even have Classic FM piped to their bedrooms.

They will sit on your lap while you watch TV so you can scratch their belly. They will even talk to you and have you giggling for hours.'

They really are the perfect pets.

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